Operating successfully in a small space requires excellent organization. Every minute wasted looking for items in cluttered drawers and containers is time that could be used much more efficiently. If you have a drawer filled with important and useful items that would be better off in clear organization that makes them easy to find and grab, Deflecto’s Tilt Bin Interlocking Multi-Bin is a perfect solution.

The Tilt Bin Multi-Bin storage solution is great for things of many different sizes. There are 3-drawer, 4-drawer, 5-drawer, and 6-drawer options that all interlock and stack securely to create the exact formation required for different needs. The integrated dovetail design makes it easy to stack and connect multiple units together.
Because I have a lot of small things, the 6-drawer is used most often here. The bins are so easy to take out and be moved around the workspace. Sometimes just tilting the bin and grabbing what is needed is perfect and the entire bin doesn’t have to be removed.

Sometimes just tilting the bin and grabbing what is needed is perfect and the entire bin doesn’t have to be removed.
Let’s talk about the infamous “junk drawer organization”. Check out this drawer of things that are regularly used in the home office. It is a mess and even after straightening it, it is hard to find what you’re looking for.

Once the items are removed from the junk drawer and placed in the clear tilt bins, everything is simply so much better. Clearing away clutter and creating structure is not only good for managing time but also for lowering stress. It is the best junk drawer organization solution!

While there are oodles of small and important items to organize across so many types of small businesses being run in home offices, stickers are most important here. The six-drawer Tilt-Bin is PERFECT for organizing the hundreds of designs that are stocked. The clear bins make it quick and easy to find what is needed to pick and pack outgoing orders.
Home Office Organization in a Small Space is empowering when it works. Deflecto’s Tilt Bin Interlocking Multi-Bin system is such a great answer to messy supplies and drawers. They come in two color options – black and white. Creating a space with purpose and structure causes a more efficient workflow that ultimately makes life in the home office running a small business better.